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Donate to build Ugly CNC ...

วันจันทร์ที่ 31 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2554

Assemble the driver boards for resistors and diodes.

After I finished some of resistors,I have to fill the bigest resistor in the board which quite hard.But I got success to fill it into board see in below for my trying.

Here is the complete figure for the assembling resistors into driver board.

The next device is diode.

It's fast diode to switch current for step motor.

But the funny thing is I can not fill diode's leg into board which quite small than the other holes.

So,I decide to expand the hole with my big electrical drill.It's look bit crazy and it works without doubt.Let see how I expand diode's leg.

Finish filling all diode and look good.

Next step is sold the diode's leg.

Now,I have to join diode's leg with the PCB by solder wire again and cut the diode's leg.

It's look good right ...

Next step is the socket IC.

To be continue.

